What are Welcome Bags?

Sioux Center loves welcoming new people to town and according to the recent census numbers, our community continues to grow!
But have you ever moved somewhere and didn’t feel connected to your new community? Enter in the Sioux Center Chamber of Commerce -- we want everyone living in our community to feel connected to our businesses, amenities and to others living in town. So, the Sioux Center Chamber makes Welcome Bags for newcomers that helps them get to know our community a bit better.
What are Welcome Bags?
Chamber Members, at the Entrepreneur Level of Membership or above, can give us any promotional items to add to these Welcome Bags. All of these promotional items from different businesses and organizations are placed together in a bag that also has other informational brochures about Sioux Center. Promotional items can range from brochures or flyers or fun giveaways such as cups or keychains. These items are added in categorized folders depending on your business or put into the bags directly. We are thankful for the City’s partnership as completed bags are handed off to anyone who stops in their office to sign up for utilities. Last year, we distributed nearly 120 Welcome Bags! And for businesses who participated, that was 120 new families that became connected to their business!
If you would like your business to be added to these Welcome Bags please contact the Sioux Center Chamber via phone or email!